Special Pre-Release special ENDS TONIGHT!

  We officially launch Horns & Rhythm-Retro Hymns (aka Bring on the Funk) tomorrow, April 1st! Today is the LAST DAY to take advantage of the special Pre-Release special. click here for more information and to order If you need to have a Purchase Order approved but still want to take advantage of the special Pre-Release Promotion, simply send me an email TODAY and let me know. Click here to send me [...]


Are you tired? We’ll be there for you

1 Corinthians 12:18, 25-26 (NIV) 18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. 25-26 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it: if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Billy Chapel (Kevin [...]


Horns & Rhythm-Retro Hymns coming THIS Friday! (Last Chance special)

Horns & Rhythm-Retro Hymns (aka Bring on the Funk!) released THIS Friday!   Yes, that's April Fools Day. :) Our special Pre-Release promotion will end Thursday night, so if you want an AMAZING deal on some fun, funky music, make sure to order before Thursday night! If you need to do a purchase order, email me before Thursday night. For more information about the special Pre-Release promotion and to order it, click [...]


Horns & Rhythm-Retro Hymns 2 week special (ends April Fools Day)

We've finished recording Horns & Rhythm-Retro Hymns! I hope many of you were able to watch the recording sessions live online as we streamed them. It was a lot of fun knowing that folks from all around the United States (and world for that matter) were watching the recording. The 'official' release date will be, wait for it, April 1st. But if you order before the release date, we are offering a [...]


Come watch the horn section record LIVE online this Wednesday!

Have you ever wondered what a horn section recording session is like? Now is your chance to watch a recording session LIVE online. We are recording the horn section for our new 'Horns and Rhythm-Retro Hymns' project this Wednesday here in Nashville, TN with THE BOYS. Steve Patrick-trumpet Barry Green-trombone Mark Douthit-saxes We streamed the rhythm section recording session live this last Friday and we will be streaming the horn section live [...]


Announcing:Horns and Rhythm-Retro Hymns (bring on the Funk!)

introducing Horns and Rhythm Retro Hymns   If you watched the opening of the Grammy's this year, there were horns all over the place! Why? Horn sections bring energy, excitement and 'something different' to the typical rhythm section based music. It is NOW time, if you haven't already, to bring back a horn section to your church's worship services and kick things up a notch. You will be amazed at the energy [...]


The Leap of Faith

Looking for something to share with your group at rehearsal? Here is a classic devotional thought based on the popular 'Leap of Faith' moment in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Share it with your orchestra, choir, rhythm section or band at rehearsal if you'd like. (this is from our Devotions for Guys Who Like Movies devotional book) Stumbling Confidence Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Phillip Zimmerman Hebrews 11:1 (NASB) Now [...]


Announcing Strings & Things Volume 1-music for string ensemble

I love strings. I really do. Having scored over 35 videos and having worked with The Nashville String Machine many, many times, I'm a sucker for lush strings. I have wanted to create a string series for AnderKamp Music for a number of years and the timing finally felt right and everything lined up to do it. So here it is: Strings & Things Volume 1 (music for string ensemble) Arranged for [...]


Nothing But the Blood of Jesus-A Southern Gospel Anthem/Octavo

I moved to Nashville back in January of 1996. Lari Goss had just started an intern program, and so I moved here to study with Lari. I worked on many, many projects with him throughout the years. We worked on projects for The Nelons, The Hoppers, The Cathedrals, Christ Church Choir, Larnelle Harris, Nancy Harmon, Janet Pascal, The Martins and many, many choral print projects. Lari has been a friend of mine [...]


The most flexible big band Christmas project you will ever find.

Here is a video overview of our incredibly popular, AK Little Big Band Series. Written and recorded for full big band, these charts will really get your group and the listeners in the holiday spirit. Watch the video for more information: You can download these arrangements immediately after purchase. Happy Holidays and Heavy Swingin'!!



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